13 Ways to Tame Anxiety

13 Ways to Tame Anxiety

Anxiety is a common affliction, and that’s not surprising. The modern world is much more demanding and complex than our brains were designed to handle. Pain is a symptom of a broken body. Anxiety is a symptom of a broken mind. Consider all you ask you mind to do. You...
Declutter Your Mind and Enjoy Inner Peace

Declutter Your Mind and Enjoy Inner Peace

No sane person has ever claimed they had a mind that was too clear and peaceful. We’d all like to feel less cluttered and more peaceful and relaxed. Decluttering your mind is largely the result of decluttering all aspects of your life. We tend to put too many burdens...
Spring Clean Your Business

Spring Clean Your Business

There is a refreshing feeling about the entrance of spring. Many of us welcome the change in season by cleaning and decluttering our homes. But what about our businesses? This is the perfect time to put your business on the right path. I’ve outlined five ways to...